Botox is the most used cosmetic treatment in the world. It works by temporarily weakening the muscles of facial expression, which are responsible for creating expression lines and, eventually, facial wrinkles. Most people believe that Botox is mainly indicated to correct deep wrinkles and facial lines that are very evident in the mirror. However, this is only partly true. Most people don’t know that Botox is better suited to prevent facial wrinkles before they appear.
What is the difference between Baby Botox and common Botox?
Botox is usually applied in the upper third of the face to reduce frown lines, horizontal forehead lines, and crow’s feet. It may also be used around the mouth and the lower face and neck. The higher the dose of Botox applied to a given area (measured in units), the more pronounced the effect. Because of its profound and prolonged effect on wrinkles, higher doses are desired by many. However, higher doses may also give a “frozen” appearance to the face since the muscles of facial expression are almost entirely blocked. Therefore, Baby Botox has become a suitable option for those wanting to avoid the undesired “Botox” (or frozen?) look.
Baby Botox is identical to traditional Botox in that it is the same product, but it is injected in smaller doses to give a more natural effect. This point may be especially important for individuals who require some animation for their job (an actor, TV journalist) or simply want to convey normal facial expressions.
Is baby Botox better than traditional Botox?
Baby Botox is neither better nor worse than common Botox, it’s just an alternative some patients prefer. Baby Botox arguably may be a better option for younger patients with few expression lines and good skin tone who want to maintain their face wrinkle-free longer. These individuals don’t need high doses of Botox to get a good outcome, and they indeed benefit from the natural results.
On the other hand, older patients, male patients, and individuals with deeper wrinkles will probably not notice a significant difference in their appearance unless the higher, more traditional doses of Botox are injected. Due to its lower concentration and effect on muscles, these patients will be disappointed if Baby Botox doses are applied. They need their Botox application to provide longer-lasting results, something that Baby Botox will not do.
Is the application of Baby Botox the same as regular Botox?
The application method for Baby Botox is the same as for regular Botox. The only difference between the two is in the dilution method utilized by the surgeon and the number of units injected into each site. The application is made in the doctor’s office, and the entire procedure takes about 30 minutes. Botox applications require no downtime, but a touch-up injection may be necessary 10 to 15 days later.
What is the difference in cost between Botox and Baby Botox?
Baby Botox is typically less expensive than traditional Botox because it requires fewer units of product. The cost ranges from about $10 to $12 per unit injected if the original Botox brand is used, although this may vary significantly depending on geographical areas.