How long will it take me to recover from surgery? It depends on what we mean by “recover”. Most patients will go back to work one week after surgery, although some may feel well enough to attend on the second day. If you have your surgery done on a Friday, you may go back to your normal activities after the weekend. Answering emails and working on a computer are feasible the next day after surgery. Other patients prefer to take time off work for a longer period. Keep in mind that swelling and bruising may take up to two weeks to disappear. For this reason, it is not recommended to plan your surgery before an important engagement, such as a wedding or photo shoot. There are some things you can do to speed up your recovery. A healthy diet before the operation may reduce swelling and allow tissues to heal faster. Avoiding tobacco products and certain medications will also help tremendously. Medications such as aspirin and Plavix should be discontinued at least two weeks before surgery, as these will prolong bleeding during the surgery and favor bruising. Some natural products can also act as blood thinners and will prolong healing. These include ginseng, ginkgo, omega 3, and vitamin E.