If it has already been determined that an eyelid tumor is not cancerous, by its clinical appearance or a previous biopsy, then it is not necessary to remove it. This is true, of course, if the lesion does not bother the patient. On the other hand, if a benign lesion is causing eye irritation or other symptoms, it should be removed. Finally, there is always a concern for aesthetics. A benign lesion may not be causing any issues, but it can be excised if the patient considers it unsightly. Most insurance companies will not cover this procedure since they deem it to be aesthetic surgery.
+506 7032-5570
Abraham Gómez, MD
Hospital Clínica Bíblica, Omega Building, 2nd floor
Loras Medical, Torre Las Loras, main floor
by Abraham Gómez, M.D.
by Abraham Gómez, M.D.
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