Blepharoplasty is a quick procedure with a low risk of complications. This does not mean that it is a simple procedure. Blepharoplasty must be performed by a surgeon with experience and complete training. A safe and elegant procedure may turn into a hazardous and perilous experience if the surgeon is unfamiliar with eyelid anatomy and function. The risks involved can be considerable and the health of the eye may be jeopardized. For example, if the surgeon removes too much skin during the operation, the patient may not be able to close his or her eyes completely, putting the cornea at risk of drying out and becoming infected. Another risk is scarring of the tissues underlying the skin. This may cause an unsightly scar and difficulty with blinking. If the surgeon does not protect the deep tissues of the eyelid, the patient may experience a droopy eyelid that is very hard to correct. It is worth explaining that bruising and swelling are considered normal and are not regarded as complications of the surgery, as these will always disappear after a few weeks.
+506 7032-5570
Abraham Gómez, MD
Hospital Clínica Bíblica, Omega Building, 2nd floor
Loras Medical, Torre Las Loras, main floor
by Abraham Gómez, M.D.
by Abraham Gómez, M.D.
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