Guaranteeing a quick recovery after eyelid surgery starts before you go into the operating room. Eating a healthy diet and avoiding refined sugars and fried foods will help you achieve excellent results a quick recovery. You should also follow the doctor’s instructions regarding certain medications and dietary supplements must be avoided before surgery. People who smoke should try to quit, at least temporarily, three weeks before their eyelid surgery. Smoking is one of the primary reasons why some patients have a poor outcome after eyelid surgery. Tobacco cuts the circulation of blood and oxygen to healing tissues and will prevent cells from recovering. Therefore, if you smoke you should try your best to stop before your surgery.

There are several things you can do to speed your recovery after you’ve had eyelid plastic surgery. First, you should protect your eyes from the sun. This is extremely important if you want to protect the incisions and avoid unsightly scars. Second, don’t forget to apply ice packs on the operated site the first 24 hours after the surgery. Although it has not been proven to reduce bruising significantly, ice seems to help keep the swelling down and its cooling effect may also decrease discomfort in the operated area. Lastly, you can visit an aesthetician with experience in lymphatic drainage therapy. This kind of therapy can reduce swelling and improve circulation to the tissues.