At what age can I start applying Botox?

Several techniques have been developed to rejuvenate the region of the eyebrows. As surgical technology has advanced, brow lift procedures have become more effective, and the results more natural with fewer risks and complications.

The two main categories of the brow lift procedure are the open technique and the endoscopic method. The traditional open approach involves placing large incisions across the scalp (coronal lift) or in front of the hairline (pretrichial approach). The surgeon separates the forehead tissues by raising a flap of skin and muscle and trims it according to the lift desired. Although open techniques allow for the most effective brow lift, they carry many risks and potential complications, such as large scars, prolonged scalp numbness, and hair loss (alopecia).

Newer brow lift procedures focus on minimally invasive approaches. Small incisions are placed in the hair-bearing scalp, hidden from sight. Endoscopic technology uses cameras to assist with visualization. Along with the improved scar, this technique allows for a natural brow lift contour with less scalp numbness and a lower risk of alopecia. For these reasons, the endoscopic method is more popular than the conventional open technique.