Tratamiento para párpados inflamados - Treatments for puffy eyelids

Treatments for puffy eyelids

Puffy eyelids make a person look tired and aged, making it a common complaint among men and women of all ages. This bothersome condition may be secondary to a systemic condition, such as renal failure or poorly managed hypertension. It may also be caused by congestion around the eyes due to chronic allergies. Finally, puffy…

The consequences of a blepharoplasty gone wrong

The consequences of a blepharoplasty gone wrong

Existen dos razones principales por las cuales una persona se realiza una cirugía de levantamiento de párpados. La primera es que desea verse mejor; es decir, ha elegido la blefaroplastia por los resultados estéticos que este procedimiento le puede ofrecer. Por otro lado, podría ser que la persona simplemente quiere ver mejor (o ver más), porque el exceso de piel en los párpados le está causando molestias visuales.

Surgery for eye bags and wrinkles with laser

Surgery for eye bags and wrinkles with laser

Lower eyelid lift (lower blepharoplasty) is commonly performed as a long-term treatment for bags and wrinkles under the eyes. In this age of online information, it is no surprise that people want to be informed about the most effective and safe techniques to get the most out of their surgical procedure.