Lifting de cejas versus levantamiento de párpados - Brow lift vs eyelift

Brow lift vs. eyelift… what is the difference?

Excess tissue hanging over the lashes may indicate excessive laxity of the eyelid skin, or it may be a sign of a droopy brow. Making the correct diagnosis is of paramount importance, since a wrong diagnosis may lead to erroneous treatment, subsequent complications, and unhappy patients. When the problem proves to be excess skin and…

Somos especialistas en cirugía reconstructiva de párpados

We are specialists in reconstructive eyelid surgery

Eyelid surgery is not only about aesthetic improvement. Eyelid plastic surgeons, called oculoplastic surgeons, perform dozens of procedures that have a functional rather than an aesthetic objective. The anatomy of the eyelids is exceptionally intricate, and effective eyelid surgery requires a thorough knowledge of this anatomy, especially when referring to reconstructive procedures.  Eyelid surgeons, therefore,…

Droopy eyelid surgery blog - Cirugía de párpados caídos en Costa Rica

Droopy eyelid surgery in Costa Rica

Droopy eyelids affect a significant amount of people in the western hemisphere, both young and old. It can affect a person’s quality of life as it interferes with daily activities, such as reading and driving. For others, it is a matter of appearance. Droopy eyelids can make a person look tired and aged, regardless of…